Passivity kills the soul. Have you ever thought about that? When we are passive we sit idly and wait for something to happen TO us so we can react. I am thankful I do not serve a passive God. If God was passive, He would have sit idly by and waited for a reason to create the universe. He would have waited for eternity because He is complete and sufficient in Himself, with no need of others. So God creates. He is active. And when sin enters the world, God once again goes on the offensive. He sets in motion, guides, and works in a plan for our redemption. And when the plan is complete, and Jesus is resurrected, God still does not sit idly by. He continues to work to reveal His love and grace to hearts of sinful, fallen children of wrath. God always comes out swinging.
What does your life look like? Do you sit idly by and wait for things to happen, to react, to counterpunch? Or do you come out swinging? This week at Journey Fellowship Church we take a fresh look at what life looks like when we have a Vision to come out of our bunkers and head into the community to make an impact. We are taking a fresh look at what it means to be the church rather than to meet as the church. I am excited to have Phill Larsen join me in teaching this week. Phill has a passion for ministry outside the walls of the church. He will bring the Word hardcore on Sunday.
So what's your life look like right now? Are you passive waiting to react or are you coming out swinging? My prayer is that we will begin to punch some holes in enemy territory with a passion for action like our amazing God.
May His Kingdom Advance...
Quick Personal Notes:
Just spent 2 amazing weeks at Falls Creek speaking to students from FBC-Allen and FBC-Elk City...awesome times
My wife and kids blessed my socks off on Dad's Day...steaks, pictures, and good family time
Still counting the days to U2 in October
Check out Journey's reworked website at
Pray for JFC students going to camp on Monday and their sponsors Big Chris and Tabitha
Let the Vision grab you!
M.I.O. Movie Review: Unplugging (2021)
1 day ago
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