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    Tuesday, March 01, 2011

    Going Small

    I am the first person to admit that I tend to think big. I have always thought bigger was better, stronger, more better…to use a hick term from my childhood. I am having to rethink that notion now and it’s troubling.

    Since we undertook to start Journey Fellowship Church almost seven years ago, we have organized some huge events. Neighborhood block parties, Halloween carnivals in front years, public movie showings, and Easter Eggstravaganza. We have seen as many as 800 people at a Journey event. Not bad for a church of less than 100.

    But over the past few weeks, I have been forced to take a hard look at some things. I blame Haggai- a prophet in the Old Testament for some of it. I have been reading the 2 short chapters that make up his book in the Bible and the gist is clear- stop worrying about the big stuff and build the House of God.

    As I have chewed on these thoughts the past few weeks, God started bringing people into my life with a similar message. He started reminding me of where His Kingdom has advanced in the ministry we call Journey Fellowship Church has not been in the big, epic event but the small, the diligent, and the focused. God began to draw my eyes to things like our faithful Women’s Bible Study, Man Night, Midrash at Louie’s Bar, Journey Student Ministries meeting in a Braum’s, and a football team made up of grade school boys.

    I look at those small, seemingly insignificant things and I see life change. I see families and individuals changed and drawn nearer to God. I see men and women who would not give God a hearing now listening and being challenged not by our words but our lives. I see the strength of the small and the power of God working one life, one house at a time.

    This is a real stretch for me. I struggle with the small. I excel at the big. Thankfully, my God is not dependent on my skill set but my willingness to be obedient to His calling. He is calling me, us, to go small.

    I would covet your prayers in the coming days as we begin to preach and teach and reimagine what the church God has trusted to us will begin to look like and become. I am excited and expectant for the days ahead.

    For His Glory…