Been awhile since I hit the blog up. Life has been moving so fast the last couple of months it makes it tough to stop and process long enough to put down anything remotely coherent. Here's some random updates from life:
- Journey Fellowship is really getting some momentum. We have seen some amazing things happening over the last 3-4 months. People getting saved. Amazing testimonies about God's redemption and grace. And growth...we are seeing growth. I am very proud of our Elder Team and our membership as they step up to the plate to meet new needs and challenges- need nursery workers, set up team, etc we ask and people step up. If you live in the OKC area and don't have a church you are committed to come check us out
- My girls are awesome! Annalise is rocking 2nd grade. She reads like her daddy and does math like her mama. Plus, she's doing the ballet thing and looking to add swim team to her list of activities. (Thanks , Poppa, and Mamaw!) Mia is also doing amazing in her preschool and she is a fish! Annalise may get on a swim team, but Mia may one day be the female Michael Phelps (sans pot of course). Ella is walking and is definitely on her way to being the easiest going of the Abernathy children. And Amanda is organizaing and arranging it all around our crazy life schedules in addition to taking amazing photos and beginning to volunteer a bit for the Lankford campaign.
- In about 18 days I will be the happiest guy this side of heaven because I will be at Owen Field for U2! These guys are my favorite band of all time and I have never seen them live. Going to be an awesome show...too bad the Blackeyed Peas are opening for them.
- That same weekend I'll be in Burkburnett, TX doing a citywide Dnow. Speaking on Perceptions. Should be a fun weekend.
- Been reading some really good books lately. Largely playing catch up on some books I should have read last year- The Reason for God by Tim Keller and Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Also, reading Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years which has affected me in some ways I did not expect. Definitely his best book since Blue Like Jazz.
- Last of all let me pass on my Top 10 Songs so far this year (only criteria I like them and am listening to them!):
In no particular order...
Moment of Surrender- U2
Jina and Jimmy- Derek Webb
Love Story- Taylor Swift (I have daughters so sue me!)
Swagga Like Us- TI, Jay Z, and Kanye the Jerk
The Train- King James II
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight- U2
Radio Nowhere- Bruce Springsteen
Rescue- Jared Anderson
Let It Rock- Kevin Rudolf
How He Loves- David Crowder Band
Plus...the whole 21st Century Breakdown album by Green Day which is by far the album of the year!
Upcoming Topics as I have time: How do we measure spiritual growth? Are we using the wrong criteria? Also, where do pastors go to get fed? (I have some ideas...) Plus...things I have learned about conflict...
M.I.O. Movie Review: Unplugging (2021)
1 day ago
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