Amanda and I are with our kids and good friends in paradise this week. Yesterday we celebrated 12 years of marriage. It's hard to believe i has been that long. It seems like only yesterday we were newlyweds starting our lives together in a little triplex in Shawnee, OK. We've been through some amazing times together and some sad ones as well. We have seen three beautiful girls born into this world. They are amazing reminders of God's grace to us. We have built two ministries together. Shocwave Youth Ministries at FBC-Bethany, OK and Journey Fellowship Church in NW OKC. We continue to labor together to serve Jesus and bring Him glory. We have built some amazing friendships along the way.
When you get married they have you promise for better or worse. There hve been both along our journey together. The truth is that there are moments that are really tough where that promise really means something. I am so thankful that I married an amazing woman who keeps her promises. We are not rich. We are not famous. We are however still madly in love with each other.
Thanks for saying yes Princess! The best is yet to come!
M.I.O. Movie Review: Unplugging (2021)
1 day ago
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