I've continued to read and finish Millennium Matrix over the past few weeks. I've still got to get to answering the questions I posted on a couple of weeks ago. The delay in those answers...just the birth of my second daughter...Mia Kate was born on February 16th at 12:10p and weighed in at 8lbs 7oz with 19" in length. She looks a lot like big sister...
So in thinking about community I ran across some ideas in Matrix...the idea of covenant. It's a lot deeper commitment than most other relationships. It implies a level of dependence most are by nature uncomfortable with. We really value independence and self reliance in America and Christianity, as expressed in the Bible not the burbs, is very much antithetical to those ideas. Being a Christ follower is all about being dependant and reliant. We rely on Jesus to pay for our sins, we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, we rely on God to be true to His word, and we should rely on one another to walk with us on this journey. This is what I have been preaching about the last few weeks, the interweaving of our lives as a part of the Body of Christ. A friend of mine asked me "Is such-and-such church like that?" I asked him why that thought entered his mind and he told me "I always had this sense that I never really belonged, I was always outide the group." What breaks these barriers? How do we build covenant communities?
Matrix seems to suggest transparency is a large part of this building process. It is not the only element discussed, but it is one I want to champion for a moment. Transparency in relationships is crucial because it levels the playing field. Everyone is themselves and is able to be met at the point where they are- just the way Christ first meets us. When we are transparent we are able to "spur one another on toward good works" because we know where one another need to grow. We are able to "pray for one another that we might be healed" because we know where we need to be made whole.
As a pastor, I want everyone at my church to experience commuinty. I want everyone to feel they can be transparent. I want our church to be a place where reality is more important than personality. I want to see a church that is a covenant community.
She is soooo cute! Hope Mom baby and dad are all doing okay! Talk to ya soon!
What a beautiful little girl...again! Congratulations, Cousin.
I've 'done' church a few different ways.
I've come in and been completely transparent...but a bit too aggressive in seeking the judgment that would come on it's own...
I've come in and tried very, very, hard to look and act like everyone else...not so much...
I've come in and just allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me and be the person God created and these truly are the times I feel 'connected'. This is why I'm at Journey.
Thank you Ryan for teaching and believing in not just a community, but a covenant community.
In all honesty, sometimes it's scary and it's feels weird...but I also KNOW this is what God desires this is what Jesus teaches.
This really touched my heart. It is at the core of my book. Thanks for highlighting this concept.
Larry Crabb has two very good books that provide some very sound ways to build this kind of community. "Connected" and "The Safest Place on Earth."
We are family (not abstractly and not to the masses) but we are to become family to those next to us. That's hard. I've been able to experience that and now many of those who have been part of my family are spread across the world.
My wife and I are beginning again to learn how to become family to those God has placed us next too and rediscover and relearn covenant.
God Bless
Rex Miller
Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure your wife is the culprit there. I love reading your blogs. Very challenging. I have Spring Break this week and I was wondering if you're busy or if you may have a bit of time to meet with me this week. I may call you and I'm sure my brother would really love to see you, too. Don't be surprised if you hear from me very soon. God Bless!
oh, that was me, amy stinnett up there. woops.
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