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    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    6 Years in the Making

    In just over one month, Journey Fellowship Church will celebrate it’s sixth anniversary. It was six years ago this coming Sunday that we revealed our plans to the world and began the process of leaving certainty and stepping out on faith. The past six years have been fun, scary, heartbreaking, uplifting, and all around crazy. In May, we will spend a few weeks remembering the heartbeat of who we are and what we are as a church.

    On Sunday, May 2nd we will tell the story of how the church came to be. There is a story behind the beginning of JFC, believe it or not and there are some verses that remind us of who we are and why we do what we do. I would encourage you to read Isaiah 61:1-4 in preparation for that Sunday.

    Then on Sunday, May 9th we are going to begin talking about our vision as a church. Those three words that you hear from us all the time- Jesus, Family, Community. Why is Jesus such a big deal at Journey Fellowship Church? Why does God call us to follow Jesus? This would be a great Sunday to bring a friend who does not know Jesus as their Savior, especially if they have questions about what Christians really believe about Jesus.

    On May 16th, we will talk about the Family. Why is family such a big deal to God and to the church? What can a family do that no other group of people can do? There is so much that has happened to families in America over the last 50 years. God is truly calling churches to return to the importance of the family and to partner with husbands and wives and children to build stronger families for the sake of the Kingdom.

    On May 23rd, we will talk about Community. We will talk about the community we live in and serve. We will talk about why community is so important and how God uniquely equips churches and individuals to have an impact on the communities He puts them in.

    I am praying that through these four weeks, all of us, myself included, will gain a fresh sense of strength and purpose for the church God has called us to. We are together for a reason. We have lived for 6 years for a reason. We have a purpose and vision. Each of us is called to be a part of what God is doing here at Journey Fellowship Church. I pray that God will continue to move in your hearts and in the hearts of those who we are around so that men and women could be saved and the Kingdom could advance.

    I love you guys and love being your pastor!
